The community and platform of the Sole System for the Pharma sector
The Sole System platform on the pharma sector is designed and developed to meet the communication needs of both the market and consumers.
In fact, a cross-media plan through our pharma system’s media helps reach both the B2B and B2C target audiences depending on the communication goals, with a tone of voice that is always consistent and effective.
To meet the new communication needs in the sector, the 24 ORE Group provides a constantly evolving, flexible, customisable and high-quality system through the voices and writing of our expert journalists recognised by the market for their authority.
Il Sole 24 Ore
Salute 24, Pharma & Biotech Report
The pages of Sanità 24 on Tuesday describe the evolution of the sector, the performances and strategies of the companies that form part of it, as well as the challenges and new aspects of the market.
Reports involve in-depth analysis and offer investigations (together with analysis and interviews) which provide an overview of everything that is relevant for the Pharma sector and have an established annual timetable widely recognised by the investor market.
Alongside classic display advertising – from the point of view of advertising opportunities – innovative “formats” are available called “branded content”, which are more advanced than classic display advertising, both in terms of content and graphics.
The print content offer is formed of: Read about, News tags, On stage, and Advertorials.
Dossiers can also be created in the newspaper (also transferred online). They are produced by the most prestigious names from Il Sole 24 Ore, with contributions from industry experts. To discover them all, please see the link below “Press Branded Content”.
- Constantly updated industry data
- Targeted analysis
- Continuous discussion thanks to strategic communities in the Pharma sector
Il Sole 24
Health Section, Lab 24, Sanità 24 specific digital newspaper, Quaderni by Sanità
The health section reports on the ecosystem of the constantly evolving world of health and healthcare.
The long-forms on Lab24, our area of with a strong visual link to data, graphics and infographics, also offer the possibility for sponsorable themed long reads, such as “Covid, i dati e la mappa” (Covid, the data and the map).
Sanità 24 is one of the parts of the Sole 24 Ore multimedia system, a specific digital newspaper for workers in the industry, updated in real time, which brings together on a single platform information, updates and regulatory news on healthcare with documents and in-depth analysis on the latest data.
While Quaderni by Sanità 24 are scientific monographs on the main industry topics that can be sponsored by the Client’s Brand and are connected to the Sanità 24 specific digital newspaper.
From the point of view of classic advertising opportunities, involving display advertising, also offers a series of formats that can be adapted to feature branded content. They can be designed ad hoc for every client’s needs: generally speaking, the goal is to generate more engagement, to reach its audience in an effective and efficient way, and to improve brand image and brand awareness.
We are talking about digital branded content, digital dossiers and super dossiers, white papers, branded content podcasts, live streaming and digital talks. Please see the links below for more details.
- Real-time updates
- Detailed descriptions of a constantly evolving ecosystem
- Graphics and infographics to understand the sector at a glance
Radio 24
Obiettivo Salute, Editorial Specials, Digital Round Tables
From Monday to Friday, together with Nicoletta Carbone on the programme Obiettivo Salute, plenty of space is given to news from the world of national and international research discussed with the main people involved, using an informative yet strictly scientific approach at the same time.
Together with Nicoletta Carbone, the Radio 24 editorial team also produces editorial specials on the programme, dedicated to information, updates and prevention, to mark the main annual events on issues such as diabetes, brain disease and healthy bones.
Alongside programme sponsorship, Radio 24 provides many formats that make up the “content offer” and whose main goal is in-depth analysis of the client’s topics of interest, organised into many aspects, such as the structure of a service offered or a company success story and much more.
The formats of the content offer include: Wiki24, Noi x voi, Save the date, Una soluzione per te, Voce alle trimestrali, Laboratorio di radiofonia, the “le eccellenze italiane” project and the storytelling project. The link below is available for more details.
Digital Round Tables (DRT) can also be sponsored by a single client. Podcasts can be sponsored or produced ad hoc based on the client’s needs. Please see the links below for more information on initiatives and projects.
- All the news from the Pharma world
- Programmes dedicated to information, updates and prevention
- An informative, strictly scientific approach
Sanità Newsletter
This newsletter from the Radiocor information agency provides real-time specialist information for people who work in the health sector, both publicly for the National Health Service and in the life of companies that work in the sector.
- Real-time news on the Pharma sector
- Themed events dedicated to the world of health
- Tailor-made event projects to meet different needs
24ORE Eventi
Pharma & life sciences, Healthcare Summit
Pharma & life sciences highlights any news and problems every year that companies in the sector find themselves facing in their relationship with the public sector.
Healthcare Summit: this is a highly institutional and strategic event for the world of Italian healthcare. It is a go-to event in Italy for representatives from the healthcare and pharmaceutical sector and institutions.
Alongside the possibilities for classic sponsorship (of each event) offering different “levels” of participation (main partner, official partner or event partner) depending on the investment, 24ORE Eventi works as a content provider and is recognised on the market as a successful event producer (the formulas include: tailor-made and topics). It offers various types of opportunities to use these events (live events, interactive 24, live streaming 24, live & digital). For more details about these offers, please visit the 24ORE Eventi website: click here.
- Diverse, cross-sector initiatives
- Possibility of reaching different target audiences
- Authority and explanatory skill
Italian third-party websites
GreenMe, Giornale d’Italia, Famiglia Cristiana
GreenMe: health and body care reported from the perspective of sustainability and well-being with the environment.
Il Giornale d’Italia Health Section reports on the main facts in public and private healthcare, with a focus on the region and featuring opinions from the main players in the sector.
The Famiglia Cristiana Well-Being Section picks up and develops content from an interactive and multimedia perspective from the newspaper of the same name by the San Paolo Group, a go-to resource for Italian Catholics on issues of health and body care.
It offers many communication opportunities, ranging from classic display advertising to more structured projects connected to developing pharma issues.
Lastly, Treccani offers companies unique, original solutions ranging from the branding of specific pages of terms relating to the topic through display monograph advertising to the creation of joint projects such as producing lists of words on the subject of health.
- Real-time news on the Pharma sector
- Themed events dedicated to the world of health
- Tailor-made projects to meet different needs
Foreign market media
The International offer is formed of various economic-financial newspapers that give ample space to issues linked to health.
They all have a strong identity in common that is widely recognised by readers for the quality and authority of their content.
Display advertising can be created in these newspapers in classic formats as well as special projects produced ad hoc based on clients’ needs.
- A community that recognises the authority of the newspapers in their respective countries
- Authoritative, high-quality content
- Plenty of possibilities for planning ad hoc projects and advertising
Brand Connect
The tailor-made communication service by 24 ORE System.
This team offers clients creativity, content and an ear to listen to in order to find the best solutions in a cross-media project that uses the most effective resources.
Explore our brands
The tailor-made communication service by 24 ORE System.