The community and platform of the Sole System for the automotive sector
Through the media of the 24 ORE Group and a select group of third-party publishers, 24 ORE System is the perfect communication partner for all the main people in the sector.
The 24 ORE System multimedia platform is not just aimed at car manufacturers, but also the entire car and motorbike ecosystem with ad hoc designed formats (dealers, companies in the IT and energy sectors, etc.), while all media (print, digital, radio and events) contribute in synergy to meeting the client’s various goals: to communicate, profile, examine, expand and position.
Il Sole 24 Ore
Motori 24, Reports and Dossiers
Every Saturday, Il Sole 24 Ore dedicates in-depth analysis to the world of cars and motorbikes through the “Motori 24” section: from investments into electric vehicles to new generations of hybrids, from the launch of new models to the main industry trade shows, not to mention mergers and partnerships among car manufacturers.
There are then Reports – in-depth analysis and investigations (together with analysis and interviews) – which enrich the overview of everything that is relevant for the automotive sector and have an established annual timetable widely recognised by the investor market.
Alongside classic display advertising in different formats – from the point of view of advertising opportunities – innovative “formats” are available called “branded content”, which are more advanced than classic advertising, both in terms of content and graphics.
Each one has its own approach, so the formats form the print content offer and their goal is to convey company news, but also OTG activities and events (for example, the “On stage” format).
Some formats – such as “Read About” – are produced by the 24 ORE System Brand Connect factory, while others give more space to the material provided by the client. The print content offer is formed of: Read about, News tags, On stage and Advertorials.
Dossiers can also be created in the newspaper (also transferred online). They are produced by the most prestigious names from Il Sole 24 Ore, with contributions from industry experts. To discover them all, please see the link below “Press Branded Content”.
- Constantly updated industry data
- Targeted analysis
- Continuous discussion thanks to strategic communities in the automotive sector

Il Sole 24
Motors Section, video formats
Motors (Motori) is the specific section by run by Mario Cianflone. It is dedicated to in-depth analysis of cars and motors in general: it features topics ranging from market news to regulations, issues regarding company fleets or road test drives, all developed and examined in nine dedicated sub-sections: Cars, Motorbikes, Test Drives, Market and Industry, Regulations, Mobility and Tech, Classic Cars, and Other Motors.
The offer is completed with the area dedicated to company fleets, which tackles wide-ranging topics but all strictly related to fleets.
From the point of view of advertising opportunities, alongside classic offers involving display advertising, also offers a series of formats that can be adapted to feature branded content. They can be designed ad hoc for every client’s needs: generally speaking, the goal is to generate more engagement, to reach its audience in an effective and efficient way, and to improve brand image and brand awareness.
We are talking about digital branded content, digital dossiers and super dossiers, white papers, branded content podcasts, live streaming and digital talks. Please see the links below for more details.
VIDEO FORMATS are particularly important: they are real series in the video area that consolidate the position of the Motors channel on the market and can be relaunched on the homepage of the MOTORS section to increase their visibility.
- Real-time updates
- Accurate analysis of a constantly evolving ecosystem
- Graphics and infographics to understand the sector at a glance
Radio 24
Smart Car, Strade e motori, Digital Round Tables (DRT)
“Smart Car” is a programme about changes in the world of cars, such as the models we will see on the roads in the next few months, but it mainly focuses on electric engines and new services linked to mobility that will change Italians’ habits.
L’evoluzione delle auto elettriche ed ecologiche, nuovi motori ibridi, nuovi modelli e ciò che riguarda l’impatto dell’auto sulla vita quotidiana di tutti noi, dai divieti di circolazione nei giorni festivi, ai nuovi incentivi per l’acquisto sino ad arrivare all’ecotassa che dal prossimo mese di marzo penalizzerà chi acquisterà veicoli inquinanti: di questo e di molto altro, tratta il programma “Strade e motori”.
Per ciò che attiene le DRT, il palinsesto propone “Mobilità efficiente e sostenibile”, “Smart City e rigenerazione Urbana“.
Alongside classic programme sponsorship, Radio 24 provides many formats that make up the “content offer” and whose main goal is in-depth analysis of the client’s topics of interest, organised into many aspects, such as the structure of a service offered or a company success story and much more.
The formats of the content offer are: Wiki24, Noi x voi, Save the date, Una soluzione per te, Voce alle trimestrali, Laboratorio di radiofonia, the “le eccellenze italiane” project and the storytelling project. The link below is available for more details.
Digital Round Tables (DRT) can also be sponsored by a single client. Please see the links below for more information on initiatives and projects.
- Programmes well-known by listeners
- In-depth information that helps people find their way in the automotive sector
- Real help for listeners in understanding the main changes in the automotive sector

Themed newsletters
This newsletter from the Radiocor information agency provides real-time specialist information for people who work in the automotive sector with news about the main companies, trade/industry associations, rankings and regulations.
Special attention is paid to trends in the automotive sector.
The News Feed can be offered to the client in content providing mode as a flow of information or integrated into project activities.
- Discussions among the main players in the automotive sector
- Analysis of current affairs issues such as electric cars
- Information through interviews with industry experts
24 ORE Eventi
Event producer
24 ORE Eventi è la Società del Gruppo 24 ORE che progetta e realizza eventi per rispondere alle esigenze dei clienti e diffondere il patrimonio informativo del Sole 24 Ore.
24ORE Eventi si propone come content provider ed è riconosciuta sul mercato come event producer di successo (le formule sono: tailor made e topics, roadshow e summit), e offre diverse tipologie di opportunità di fruizione degli eventi stessi (live event, digital, live & digital). Per entrare nel dettaglio delle proposte è possibile visitare il sito di 24 ORE Eventi: clicca qui.
- Diverse, cross-sector initiatives
- Possibility of reaching more target audiences
- Authoritative, high-quality content

Italian third-party websites
GreenMe, Il Giornale d’Italia, Il Foglio
GreenMe: Il sito leader nel mondo dell’informazione «sostenibile», con l’obiettivo di contribuire a diffondere comportamenti e stili di vita maggiormente attenti all’ambiente, anche nella mobilità con la sezione «Viaggiare».
Il Giornale d’Italia: all’interno della sezione motori le ultime notizie dai saloni dell’automotive ed eventi sul territorio e una particolare attenzione alla mobilità sostenibile e alla progressiva elettrificazione dei veicoli.
Le opportunità di comunicazione in ambito digital sono molteplici e spaziano dalla classica display adv a progetti più articolati collegati allo sviluppo di temi in ambito automotive.
Il Foglio. It is a strategic media for the car sector that reaches a well-positioned target with good spending capacity. On the site there is a section dedicated to the sector, «Il Foglio Mobilità», with in-depth information on trends, new models and the most prominent companies in the sector.
- Real-time news on the automotive sector
- Themed events linked to the automotive world
- Tailor-made events and projects to meet clients’ needs
Foreign market media
The International offer is formed of various economic-financial newspapers that give ample space to issues linked to the automotive sector.
They all have a strong identity in common that is widely recognised by readers for the quality and authority of their content.
Display advertising can be created in these newspapers in classic formats as well as special projects produced ad hoc based on clients’ needs.There is a link below to several foreign newspapers in the portfolio at the agency.
- A community that recognises the authority of the newspapers in their respective countries
- Authoritative, high-quality content
- Plenty of possibilities for planning ad hoc projects and advertising

Brand Connect
The tailor-made communication service by 24 ORE System.
This team offers clients creativity, content and an ear to listen to in order to find the best solutions in a cross-media project that uses the most effective resources.

Explore our brands
The tailor-made communication service by 24 ORE System.