Telefisco is the free annual conference by L’Esperto Risponde (Ask the Expert), which works as a go-to resource for examining new tax issues at the start of the year and has now reached its thirty-second edition.
This event is aimed at professionals from the world of tax and employment as well as at public administration officials and managers involved in the working application of the new budget law.
Just like for every edition, il Sole 24 Ore is putting together a well-established team with an entirely digital format featuring a link to all the speakers on the platform.
Telefisco does not end in January but continues with another event in the middle of the year to review any new tax issues and economic support measures that affect the business of professionals.
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Quality of Life
Quality of Life (Qualità della Vita) is an investigative report that changed the way of reporting about regions: it made its début in the newspaper back in 1990, when an initial snapshot was offered of well-being and critical issues in Italian provinces. Since then, publication after publication, this investigative work has crossed through the last three decades reflecting, on the one hand, on the changes and transformations that have happened both globally and in Italian society and, on the other hand, on the development of individual regions. It highlights best practices and any problems to be addressed, from the growing North-South divide to demographic shifts.
One of the goals of this research into quality of life, beyond the rankings offered year after year, is to help develop the public debate on assessing the quality of policies through organised panels with comparable indicators. Several years on, we can say that Il Sole 24 Ore’s challenge hit the nail on the head, giving great visibility to a subject that was then still under the radar and which has now gained huge importance. We are thinking of the very important current topic of sustainability, or of the fact that the economic and social well-being indicators, produced annually by Istat, have been used in the Economic and Financial Document in order to assess the impact of the measures being studied for the Budget Law.
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Every milestone reached, an achievement, an anniversary, or the opening of a new location are very important moments for a company.
During these occasions, it is good to remember the road travelled: the sacrifices and strokes of genius.
Every corporate success is a symbol of a company’s strength, a brand’s credibility, reassurance for customers and a sense of belonging for employees.
While on the one hand, it is right to celebrate the milestones achieved, on the other hand, it is even more important to turn this occasion into an excellent communication and marketing tool for customers, employees and partners.
Il Sole 24 ORE now offers the opportunity to enhance these moments through effective, innovative communication with a sure-fire impact on its customers.
The event is turned into a real marketing tool.
To give the right level of prestige to this celebration and to extend it over time, the combined use of our platform is provided.
- Il Sole 24 Ore
Authoritative and official communication - Local section
Visibility in the region -
Official communication and branded content
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Young Finance
Young Finance is a digital-first financial education project by Il Sole 24 Ore which involves talented people and creators talking with the Il Sole editorial team and experts to create the first financial education video format for a young audience.
This project, officially launched for Financial Literacy Month, is shared all across Il Sole 24 Ore’s social media and it was also the chance to launch the newspaper’s new TikTok channel.
This format led to the book of the same name, while a school tour is also being planned!
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Financial Literacy Month
For “Savings Month”, the 24 ORE Group guarantees a wide-ranging and diverse level of commitment involving all the tools which, with their different languages, are most appropriate for talking to Italian savers.
In-depth analysis in the newspaper alternates with news-stand initiatives such as guides and books, online initiatives with webinars, videos, podcasts, Lab24 in-depth analysis and dedicated forums, as well as regional initiatives involving students and prestigious universities.
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Best Return Award
The Best Return Award (Premio Alto Rendimento), now in its 25th edition, is the recognition given by Il Sole 24 ORE to management companies and mutual investment funds that have been able to combine the best risk-return ratio.
As it now has been for several years, the Best Return Award comes in a Digital Edition which will allow all the winners to describe the strategies behind their success in video contributions.
The awards will be given out based on solid analysis criteria, which will take into account the performance of capital across three years as certified by the assessments provided from CFS Rating.
Awards will be handed out for:
- Best managers
divided into the categories: International, Big Italian Groups, and Small Italian Groups. - Best funds
divided into the categories: Stocks, Bonds, Balanced and Flexible. - Best SRI funds
awarded with a “green” version of the now famous trophy

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