Happy birthday Radio 24!

18 years of information, debate, opinions, analysis; 18 years we talked about politics, economics, sports and health, technology and savings. In which we told you the story and made you listen to voices, sounds and music.

In which we interviewed experts and listened to the public’s opinions, in which we received great compliments and criticisms.

During these 18 years we hope to have given you ideas for reflection, content for deepening and tales to excite you.

Radio 24 is 18 years old and thanks to all those who helped make this journey enjoyable, tiring and beautiful. All those who have worked with radio and radio over the years and all those who have discovered, chose and listened to it.

Over the years and through changes and confirmations, we have tried to remain faithful to our identity and close to our listeners.

We hope to have succeeded.

Happy Radio 24’s birthday to everyone.

To watch the video: click here