The new issue of How to Spend It offers to its readers a summer of “easy luxury” and sport. Sport either to be followed with the best of devices and technology to feel close to the Olympic challenge staying  at home on the couch or an active sport to be personally experienced as a protagonist by practising typical summer sport, such as canoeing, sailing, running, table tennis etc.

The long awaited Rio Olympics, will open on 5th  August which is the same day of the release of How to Spend It, the monthly magazine of luxury and lifestyle of  Il Sole 24 Ore. The magazine cover is devoted to the beautiful city of Rio, described by Marco Balich.

After a sweeping tour through Rio – revealing addresses of restaurants, clubs, hotels, galleries – How to Spend It moves to Bermuda for a foretaste of America’s Cup, deep into the world of regattas and sailing. Many open circuits, in the sailing world, are to be found  for non-professionals who wish to personally experience the regatta instead of just watching at it. How to Spend It reveals which are the best and how much it will cost to participate.

But if sport has no geographical boundaries, How to Spend it explores all possible equipments. For example, a new lightweight kayak model that folds like origami  which can be carried like a shoulder bag, to really reach any destination and tackle rapids and streams at high altitude.

How to spend is at the newsstands Friday, August 5th.