System 24 gets the advertising of becomes part of the portfolio of Websystem 24. The site provides news and insights based on a rigorous fact-checking that allowed him to establish itself as a reliable and authoritative independently tested.

Winner of numerous awards of “critical” and “public” as the Macchianera 2015 as the “Best News Site” the site is optimized to be enjoyed on any device.

This new acquisition puts Websystem 24 as the leader of the native Internet news sites sector. Advertising agency has got also: Lettera43, Globalist, Dagospia, Affaritaliani, Blitzquotidiano.

Together with: Liberoquotidiano, Unità.tv, Secoloditalia, Osservatoreromano, Famiglia Cristiana, the landscape becomes even more complete and competitive.

Including finally, the leadership of sector of news, politics, economics, national and international finance becomes total.