A passion for fashion

Investing rather than contracting, cultivating a positive thought without the affectation of optimism: it is not easy during the third wave of a pandemic that is exhausting economic and mental resources, inhibiting planning and rational thinking.

Yet if you want to be ready for when the restart takes place, if you want to be the protagonists of the reconstruction, if not the engines, the cornerstone is to use the crisis as an energy for change.

These are the themes of the new How to Spend it on newsstands from Friday 19 March. A Special Fashion issue that comes out in the week of the great relaunch of the newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.

A supplement of in-depth study and entertainment, of reading and image, of pleasures and specialized information, which enriches and completes the weekend offer, with its focus on luxury products, characters and stories.

If there is a market that the crisis has hit hard, it is precisely that of fashion and it is the reason why the appointment with A passion for fashion, the traditionally dedicated issue, which comes out twice a year, it is so important.

The choice not only to maintain it, but to relaunch it is a renewed commitment to work alongside a sector whose recovery is necessary as a driving force for the whole economy and for Made in Italy in particular.

For more information about planning the magazine: info.system24@ilsole24ore.com