The new Sole 24 Ore welcomes its readers

With a new print format, new content, new graphics and a new App full of innovative features. A new integrated system for information.

A series of initiatives are provided to reach the readers for several weeks after the day of the launch, including the digital event, the “widespread exhibition” around the city of Milan and the social engagement.

Il Sole 24 Ore renewes itself in a changing world with a new entusiasm and acceleration. The aim is to offer a new reading experience to the readers, an experience that passes both through the format and the contents positioning.

Reliability and authority of Il Sole 24 Ore brand, are the keywords that represent the work carried out in these two years by our publishing group.

The launch of the new format of Il Sole 24 Ore is the most visible innovation of a broad plan for the enhancement of all content – including audio, video, podcasts – and the continuous renewal of the product system in a multi-format and multi-platform logic, made possible by the ‘digital first’ strategy.

“We will continue to develop print products and innovative digital initiatives on all fronts in which the Group operates, including professional services. All this is guided by constant sustainability checks of the initiatives and all operating costs” explains the CEO of the 24 ORE Group, Giuseppe Cerbone.

From March 16, readers will therefore be able to browse the newspaper in a more compact, practical and elegant format, and with a vertical development designed to offer more usable information and better readability. In addition, a new contents positioning, new sections and a new App full of innovative features will allow the reader to have all the information needed, in a clear, complete and authoritative way.

“The goal is to make Il Sole 24 Ore a more readable newspaper but always full of news and analysis, transparent, an essential tool to help the reader know the facts in advance and understand them. We have focused on innovation to boost the change and give adequate responses to the challenges posed by the global economy, society, technology” says Fabio Tamburini, Editor in chief of Sole 24 Ore, Radio 24, the Radiocor press agency and the Group’s specialized publications.



With the 35×53 cm format (called “Rhenish” format), the Sole 24 Ore is more compact easier to handle. The layout highlights the re-proportioning of the pages that acquire a “vertical style”. Thanks to a clearer positioning of the news the readability is improved. Furthermore the larger body character combined with a greater line spacing guarantees the best reading.

Tables and infographics – a distinctive feature of Il Sole 24 Ore – will increase and become more immersive. From a graphic point of view, there are three interventions to improve readability:

-the larger body of the articles, which uses and further enhances our proprietary fonts, Sole Serif and Sole Sans,

the greater line spacing

-the lower possibility of compensating when writing of the articles to keep a constant flow. An effort to select and great attention to details: boxes, numbers, photos, graphics.

The new graphics of the Sole 24 Ore are the result of the work and creative experience of the internal art direction team: the impact at first sight maintains a family feeling in line with the story, without graphic breaks that can disorient the readers. Starting from the distinctive color of the paper, which is maintained, continuing with the rigor of the graphics, not shouted, but sober, of service.


Il Sole 24 Ore is not a generalist newspaper, politics is approached as functional to understanding the real economy, finance, regulatory developments which, of course, interact closely with international politics and economics.

For this reason, the news positioning of the newspaper provides after the section “close-up”, a single page of politics with the news needed to understand the economy and with the elements necessary to be informed on the political day.

The section relating to the “information from foreign countries” follows and changes its name: from “Mondo” to “Economia e politica internazionale”, to underline the fact that the information provided by Il Sole 24 Ore on what is happening outside Italy is always connected to an understanding of the economy and finance.

Double space for the section dedicated to Comments, analyses and insights, which represents the added value of a newspaper: two pages to go beyond the news, already constantly monitored by the site, and to propose new ideas for reading the news and give space to discussion and debate by allowing readers to form their own opinion.

The section renamed “Economia e Imprese ” is dedicated to the world of companies and the real economy, where the territory opens up to the world, where local borders are increasingly liquid and a global point of view is necessary, to enter into the heart of real economy with particular regard to its protagonists.

The vertical sections are parts of the weekly schedule covering all the main sectors:

-Salute 24 on Tuesdays,

-Lavoro 24 on Wednesdays,

-Nòva Tech 24 on Thursdays,

-Moda 24 on Fridays,

-Food 24 and Motori 24 on Saturdays,

-Scuola 24 on Mondays.

And the new vertical sections on Sunday dedicated to more leisure-inclined information:

-Viaggi 24,

-Sport 24,

-Arredo Design 24,

-Tech 24,

-Nòva 24 Scenari.

The thematic dossiers, on the other hand, offer an account of the most relevant transformations and trends as well as the stories that inspire companies through targeted analyses and surveys on the supply chains.

The thematic setting of Il Sole 24 Ore continues with

-“Finanza e Mercati” section, with news and insights ranging from Italy to international finance, regulatory issues, bond market and commodity market, and as an absolute novelty, also the focuses on the world of savings

-“Norme e Tributi” section, with all the updates and forecasts regarding taxation, labor, justice, public administration and economic law.

-“Indici e Numeri”, the fundamental reference for companies and savings, closes the newspaper with a great novelty: the TRANSPARENT COMMUNICATION initiative. A virtuous communication system in the newspaper and in the website that aims to become a point pf reference for transparency in financial communications.


Il Sole 24 Ore – Monday Edition – which has always been dedicated to professionals, is enriched with two important innovations.

Casa 24, the section dedicated to the real estate market, will have a specific insights for the Construction and Renovation sector, expanding the analysis and supervision of the housing sector.

Scuola 24, a novelty that aims to analyse the whole sector, today more than ever in continuous evolution.


Big news for Plus 24, the savings and investments weekly that every Saturday provides savers with a tool to understand the financial markets.

Plus24 will be the element that will benefit most from the change in the format of the Sole 24 Ore because it will change from the current tabloid format to the same size as the pages of the newspaper.

An extraordinary opportunity to rethink and expand the content, offering readers even more important information on the savings front and on the stock and non-equity markets.


The setting of the Sunday edition will change to give more space to the news of the day and tell the facts of the day, alongside the pages dedicated to inquiries, analyses and insights on traditional themes of Il Sole 24 Ore.

Vertical pages dedicated to the pleasures of life will also continue to find space inside with the “Weekend” section which is enriched with

-Viaggi24 about the world of travel from the point of view of companies of the sector

-Tech24 explores product innovations, with a focus on market news;

-Arredo e Design 24 anticipates market trends.

News also for the historic cultural insert “Domenica”, which will host a page dedicated to television series, daily companions in the life of many Italians, and another page linked to the rankings of books.


A new digital experience will also be offered thanks to the new App, renewed with even more innovative features. Faster and more efficient, the new Sole 24 Ore App allows for a better reading experience of the digital copy of the newspaper, as well as one-tap access to the entire world of Il Sole 24 Ore:


-24+ – the premium section of site,


Moreover, thanks to the reorganization of the content archive, access is now easier, to find the necessary information. Great news is the introduction of a voice management system that allows you to interact in a simple and intuitive way with the App. By interfacing with Siri and Google Assistant, the user can initiate a series of actions through their voice.

Through voice commands, the user can ask their device to open the newspaper of the day or a specific day, consult the saved articles or downloaded copies of the newspaper, read an article, open 24+ or the audio versions of 24 articles. +, open the podcasts or open and read the new “Brief” service.

In the new App – completely renewed in the graphics and in functionality – the voice is essential not only for the user interaction but also for the listening, thanks to the audio-supported reading of all the articles and of the Podcasts.

“Brief” will be the new daily recap, free of charge, edited by the central editor of Il Sole 24 Ore, which completes and deepens the headlines of the morning newspaper every evening at 7pm. Innovative in format – it looks like a newsletter, but it is in the app – “Brief” is simple to read, clear, narrative and allowing a quick access for more information.


“In this great renewal of the Sole 24 Ore it is important to emphasize how the cornerstones that determine the leadership of the magazine remain firm: the authority of the brand, the quality of the content and the exclusivity of the target. Precisely on the target front, Il Sole 24 Ore counts on an extraordinary loyalty to the brand, the highest in the Italian press which, with an index of 74%, doubles the closest competitors ” says Federico Silvestri, General Manager of the advertising agency 24 ORE System . (Sources: Audipress 2020.3 Paper and / or replica (absolute values); ADS December 2020).

The exclusiveness of the target is also given by the fact that the reader of Il Sole 24 Ore is essentially made up of opinion leaders who influence their circle of acquaintances among friends, family and colleagues.

“This – explains Silvestri – because over 40% of readers are target business, i.e. entrepreneurs, executives and freelancers. It is also important to underline two other important aspects that identify the characteristics of the readership of Il Sole 24 Ore – continues Silvestri – being the female component almost 40% of the total, it represents an aknowledgement of the Group’s commitment also aimed at engaging the female target. Furthermore the age group of the target which for over 60% is made up of readers between 25 and 54 years old, is incomparable in Italy. Without forgetting the great presence on digital platforms and social networks, primarily on LinkedIn where we are leaders in the publishing sector. ” (Sources: Infosfera 2019 i. Conc.); Audipress 2020.2 Paper and / or replica (% comp and i. Conc.); TSSP 2020A Synoptic (i. Affinity)

“In this context – adds Silvestri – Il Sole 24 Ore is therefore recognized as a unique relationship brand in Italy, capable of connecting institutions, managers, companies, professionals and consumers. And with the renewed information system we will be able to offer the market an even broader platform, exclusive in Italy, which supports the press agency, radio, events and initiatives related to culture alongside the newspaper, periodicals, digital and social media.”


“The launch of the new Sole 24 Ore represents an opportunity for great innovation of our entire Information System which starts with the newspaper on newsstands with the enriched digital version of contents and functions within the new app, continuing with ilsole24ore website. and its premium 24+ section, with the social media and all multimedia video and audio formats, are completed with all the events on newsstands and digitally” comments Karen Nahum, General Manager of the Publishing & Digital Area of ​​Sole 24 Ore .

“The digital first approach started a year ago with the launch of the new site has allowed us to create a new App with innovative operational functions that meet the new trends in the use of information, starting from voice commands to audio articles and many audio-contents. This is just the beginning; we will continue with the innovation accelerator and the next step will be the release of the new home page at the end of April. And before then we thought of a series of initiatives dedicated to our large community, from a large digital event to a widespread exhibition in the city of Milan”.


To present the news of Il Sole 24 Ore to stakeholders, partner companies, readers and users, the digital event “Reshape the World” will be held on Wednesday 24 March at 4.30 pm, on, dedicated to the symbolic theme of the moment we are living: the theme of CHANGE. ReShape means the ability of our companies and the Italian system to constantly change and reinvent themselves, but it also represents the commitment of the Sole 24 Ore in following and assisting this process of adaptation and transformation. For this reason the event will begin with the story of the great change in everyday life, alternating with moments of entertainment with special guests, to continue with three round tables in which testimonies from companies and representatives of institutions will tell how they are facing the challenges of the present and the next. future.


In the month of April an open-air exhibition, accessible to all, will start in Milan, which will tell the story of the city through the pages of the newspaper: a visual storytelling of a city that changes together with the newspaper.

The path runs through the symbolic places of the city and of the newspaper, from the Stock Exchange to the new hi-tech district, from the Quadrilatero della Moda to the Teatro alla Scala and will tell the change in Milan and Il Sole 24 Ore in an unprecedented story in which the past, present and future intertwine, in which tradition and innovation blend together giving life to a new cultural project.


To support the launch of the new Sole 24 Ore, an on and off line communication campaign is planned to involve the target audience and spread the brand values.

The new Sole 24 Ore is you.

This is the key message of the communication campaign to describe the new system where readers are the protagonists of the campaign’s key visual. They are in fact placed at the center of a symbolic Sun system: the information universe of Il Sole 24 Ore revolves around them. The information universe consists of the newspaper and devices to use digital content. The campaign is conceived by Havas Milan, started with a multi-subject capable of representing different targets, is composed by a television promo where Il Sole 24 Ore System will be shown as a galaxy that orbits around a reader, in a space where lights and atmosphere recalls a real solar system. The 30 ”commercial will be on air from March 15th.


There are many engagement actions with users. The newspaper’s launch campaign will also be developed on Il Sole 24 Ore social channels both through direct engagement with users and through an awareness campaign on the main platforms.

Everyone will be able to participate in the moment of welcome to the new Sole 24 Ore through the dedicated hashtags # nuovoSole24Ore # benvenutonuovoSole24Ore and with a special Instagram filter created for the new Sole 24 Ore that will resume the newspaper’s campaign.


With the launch of the new Sole 24 Ore, an important subscription campaign will also be launched: thanks to an advantageous digital trial formula € 1 for 1 month, everyone will have the opportunity to experience the new newspaper and the new app.