Treccani says it

The 24ORE System advertising agency acquires the site and the quarterly magazine Enciclopedia Italiana.

This is an important entry into the dealer’s portfolio in line with the quality and authority of the media it represents.

“Treccani says it” is a refrain that we hear every day in the common language and in the media, because even after 100 years the Treccani represents the source of the most reliable and recognized knowledge and knowledge.

This is because Treccani has always been the largest Italian cultural enterprise (whose president is appointed directly by the President of the Republic), which since 1925 (the date of the creation of the first Italian Encyclopedia, still unanimously considered the most authoritative) accompanies the history of Italy becoming a testimony of Italian cultural identity but also a sure guide in the discovery of the contemporary world.

Treccani’s work is characterized by a profound critical rigor in all its scientific and cultural analyzes, an approach consolidated over time that becomes even more valuable for today’s world: the current infinite multiplication of information sources makes it even more significant being recognized as a unique and undisputed authority of knowledge.

24ORE System through Treccani offers its clients a wide range of communication opportunities ranging from tabular advertising to special projects resulting from direct initiatives by the publisher, or tailor-made to customer needs.

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