The world’s Syrian war

The story of a conflict that has become an all against all on IL, magazine of ideas and lifestyle of the Sole 24 Ore.

Which are the groups that are confronted on the field and off the field? Who controls it now? With several infographics IL retraces for maps the history of a conflict that has become an all against all.
Changing scenario, the “EXTRA” Space IL is dedicated to women who count and talented: from the portrait of the French Marine Le Pen, to that of Germany’s Angela Merkel, And speaking of women that matter, IL give space to Theresa May, the indecipherable Lady called to lead Britain out of Europe, and the elegant testimonial, Ivanka Trump.
Finally space of IL to a reflection on how bad information is driving out the true knowledge.
Definitely a problem to be reckoned with, and that IL investigates in its March issue, it is rather like the automation and robots are increasingly reducing jobs and fueling populism.
IL is on sale with Il Sole 24 Ore on Friday, February 17th.